EARth Eco Anxious Resilient

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.

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Friday May 19, 2023

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.
In this first episode of EARth Eco Anxious Resilient you will hear about Peer Support and why is it so important in helping us move into a place of resilience. We'll also learn about the concept of the Self Care Planning tool and introduce the first question which asks "How am I feeling today?"

Friday May 19, 2023

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.
In this episode of EARth Eco Anxious Resilient we'll be exploring the second question of the self care planing tool which asks " What can I do if I'm not feeling like myself today?"

Friday May 19, 2023

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.
In this episode of EARth Eco Anxious Resilient we'll be exploring the third question of the self care planing tool which asks us to consider "What has helped me in the past if I have been struggling?"

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.
In this episode of EARth Eco Anxious Resilient we'll be exploring the fourth question of the self care planing tool which asks us to consider "Who can I call/speak to if I'm really struggling?"

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.
In this episode of EARth Eco Anxious Resilient we'll be exploring the fifth question of the self care planing tool which asks us to consider "What do other people need to know about me to help me if I'm really struggling?"

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Eco-anxiety, peer support, insights and resources - 6 Surefoot podcasts to help you take action to take care of yourself and the planet.
In this episode of EARth Eco Anxious Resilient we'll be exploring what resilience means and what can help us move into a place of action.


EARth Eco Anxious Resilient

Since 2012, The Surefoot Effect CIC has been helping communities, businesses and governments put sustainability and resilience at the heart of what they do.  Eco Anxious Resilient Peer Support is a new and developing project from Surefoot focussed on creating and sharing mental wellbeing resilience tools for people who strive for enlightened and just societies that respect Earth and all life. 

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